Anup Bhandari wrote and directed the action-thriller movie Vikrant Rona , which was also co-produced by Alankar Pandian and Jack Manjunath. Alongside Jacqueline Fernandez , Nirup Bhandari, Neetha Ashok, and Sudeepa , he plays the title character. Inspector Vikrant Rona is the main character of the novel. He travels to a distant community in the heart of a tropical jungle where he begins to observe a string of strange occurrences that are thought to be supernatural. Vikranth Rona- Movie(Javatpoint) Release On July 28, 2022, Vikrant Rona received a 3D theatrical release; on September 2, 2022, ZEE5 made the film available online . The movie garnered neutral to unfavourable reviews from critics, but audiences responded well, making it the third-highest-grossing Kannada movie at the time of its release. Plot The movie begins with some kids reading books. One of them continues by reading a tale about a Brahmaraksha in the villag...